Product Information
Category: Uncategorized.$375.00
$375 – Two Week Rental Rate
$125 – Week Thereafter
2 week minimum rental period
Delivery Fee: $50.00 – additional fees will apply if delivered outside of Los Angeles County
VascuTherm 5 Thermal Compression Therapy System
The Thermotech VascuTherm™ 5 therapy system is capable of performing therapies for the following:
Pneumatic Compression Therapy for the prevention of DVT and PE:
DVT Compression therapy is used in combination with specially designed therapy wraps to transfer pressure to the calf or foot using compressed air. The preset inflation and deflation cycle of the VascuTherm 5 therapy system simulates natural walking action. This increases blood flow to the heart through the veins of the lower extremities to reduce the risk of clot formation.
Pneumatic Compression Therapy for the Management of Post-Surgical Edema and Lymphedema:
Compression therapy provides compressed air to the therapy wrap and transfers pressure to the treatment site. This added external pressure aids in reducing the pooling of blood and lymphatic fluid in the targeted extremity. The compression treatment provided by the unit uses a preset pressure setting and cycle time
Cold Therapy:
Cold Therapy passes cool fluid through the wrap for the management of pain, discomfort and swelling. If prescribed, Cold therapy can be used in combination with Pneumatic Compression therapy. Temperature range 43 degrees F to 49 degrees F.
Heat Therapy:
Heat Therapy passes 105°F fluid through the wrap for the management of pain and discomfort. If prescribed, Heat therapy can be used in combination with Pneumatic Compression therapy.
Thermal Contrast Therapy:
Thermal Contrast Therapy passes fluid through the wrap in an alternating cycle of Cool-Heat-Cool-Heat for the management of pain, discomfort and swelling. During Thermal Contrast Therapy, the unit will cool down the circulating fluid to 49°F for twenty (20) minutes and then heat up to 105°F for ten (10) minutes. This cycle is repeated until the prescribed duration of treatment is completed.
Manufacture’s Website:
Vascutherm 5