Ankle Continuous Passive Motion
Product Information
Category: Uncategorized.$375.00
Kinetec Breva Ankle CPM Machine
$375 -Three Week Rental Rate
$100-Week Thereafter
Delivery Fee: $50.00 – additional fees will apply if delivered outside of Los Angeles County
The Kinetec Breva Ankle CPM Machine anatomically correct motion to the ankle and rear foot. It can be used in bed or while sitting in a chair.
• Two dimensional movements possible :
Plantar Flexion 40° to Dorsiflexion 30°
Eversion 25° to Inversion 25°
• Advanced hand control to maximise programs and protocols
• Indications
- Passive mobilisation of the following fractures after internal fixation:
- Malleolar fractures
- Tibial pilon fractures
- Talar fractures
- Calcaneal fractures
- Mobilisation of the joints of the foot after operative or conservative treatment of lesions of the:
- Achilles tendon
- Lateral collateral ligament
- Medial collateral ligament
- Surgical lengthening of the Achilles tendon for post-traumatic stiffness.
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